通过 URL 定制形如 sitename.com/width/height 的地址就可以得到一个随机的占位图片。
A quick and simple image placeholder service.
1 | <img src="http://placehold.it/350x200" /> |
Placeholder Images for every case.
Webdesign or Print. Just put a custom url in your html and you receive a proper placeholder picture
1 | http://lorempixel.com/400/200to get a random picture of 400 x 200 pixels |
Fake images please?
You just have to put your image size after our URL.
Only the first parameter is mandatory. There are options too,
you can pass a text, or change some colors.
Colors must be hexadecimal,
the first one is the background color.
You can add the alpha value of the color with a comma, (hex,a).
The text can be passed with the text GET variable.
Here are some examples you can look at:
1 | <img src="http://fakeimg.pl/300/"> |
A quick and simple service for getting pictures of
kittens for use as placeholders in your designs or code.
Just put your image size (width & height) after our URL
and you’ll get a placeholder.
1 | Like this: http://placekitten.com/200/300 |
还有 The Random Image Generator,占位图 等等
参考: http://www.uedsc.com/the-top-10-placeholder-image-services.html